Coordinated, Connected, Committed. Building a Healthier Community, One Member At A Time.
My Story
Greetings my name is Evangelina Guerrero, I am a Board Member of the Chaves County Health Council as of February 2023. I started as a Chaves County Health Council spectator a few years ago before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. I recall receiving an email invitation to attend a meeting and all those interested were welcome. I had no clue at all who set me the invitation nor 100% what the meeting was about. But being the curious soul that I am and seeking to network with Chaves County residents, I accepted the invitation, and have attended meetings ever since and am now part of the Executive Team.
I am not originally from Chaves County but have been a resident of Roswell NM since January of 2002 after my family moved here from California. My desire is to be a productive citizen in the community where I reside and communities nearby through volunteer work, fundraising, marketing, promoting educational resources, as well as encouraging the well-being of all individuals, and be of support via non-profit or for-profit organizations of which I am a part of.
As I mature, I have decided I will be a part of organizations that will have influence close to home and beyond with the purpose of improving the lives of individuals, families, and communities.
“The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates